Marketing and PR professionals have more opportunities than ever before to expand online brand visibility and reach their goals.

Not only can they create more effective content – the kind that attracts, resonates and persuades – but they’re also able to more easily establish relationships with key influencers who can amplify their efforts.

Today, to be an effective communicator means that you must embark on a continuous cycle of research, creation, distribution, analysis and improvement. It’s no longer about brands pushing out messages and hoping they’ll have an impact. Today, whether you’re writing words or creating visuals, you need to align your content with what will draw in and engage people.

Here are few tips to create compelling content online to attract, and retain the reader on the page:

Use the same words your website audience might most likely use. They will find your content then more reader-friendly, identify with it and would like to interact with you online.

Make sure the content published online is newsworthy. Write only about things that matter to your niche audiences.

Do add relevant images, photograph or Infographic when required such to make your post more intriguing, interesting and informative to the reader.

Try embedding an interesting video/audio clip. Since motion and sound creates for an experience, this will help engage with audiences better.

Link keywords, phrases and descriptions to relevant web pages. This will help increase significant traffic to your website and generate sales leads.

Use hashtags and social links to make your content more social-media friendly and shareable. People normally like to pass on information that is more interesting and valuable, so try making links as easy to share.

How do you find an audience for your website?

Here are few ways to broaden your horizon and better understand your audience:

Monitor online conversations. Twitter gives you tools for finding key influencers in your industry, seeing who their followers are, identifying people talking about topics related to your brand, products or industry, and even learning their occupations and interests.

Follow influential bloggers in your target industry or market segment and pay particular attention to who is commenting and what they’re saying.

Follow your competitors’ social media conversations and see what they’re saying to your mutual target audiences.

Engage in conversations with thought leaders and other influencers and ask them what type of content they find most valuable, where they find it, and when and how they consume it.

Track the types of messages and content that are embraced by the people you’re trying to reach so you can build audience profiles.

Take advantage of tools like Google Analytics to identify website traffic patterns, LinkedIn and Facebook to gather demographic information. Once you see precisely who read, shared and interacted with your content online and across social networks you’ll be able to make more informed decisions and create impactful content moving forward.
